We've launched a new website and a set of fact sheets about the new prescribing rules for some common, chronic illnesses. In September, the government will be introducing 60-day prescriptions for the supply of some medications that you might be taking for chronic illnesses, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, epilepsy, heart conditions, cancer treatments, asthma and many more. There has been some confusion in the media about the changes, and these factsheets will help provide information for consumers about the new rules. Head to the website to download the factsheets. You can read our media release here. CHF CEO, Elizabeth Deveny said that having a greater supply of medication on hand should lead to more people taking their medicines as prescribed and this has been proven to lead to better health outcomes. “These resources provide answers to many of the questions that consumers have right now, and CHF will continue to add to the site as more details come to hand," Dr Deveny said. |